I am genuinely excited about this software. I've only just had a quick go with it but straight away I can see it has potential to be a great piece of blog commenting software.

What won't it do? It's not scrapebox. It will NOT spam thousands of blogs with pre-loaded spun content.

What will it do? I've got it setup using iQuestion mode and it's slowly working it's way through a thousand blogs at pretty much the rate a human would... So? Well the things it's posting are highly related to the content of the blog and as a result I do expect my stick rate to be way higher...

I have struggled with scrapebox for years trying to get it to comment in a targeted way so I get some quality links (not the 1000+ OBL crap most people get) but it's never really happened.

With Blog Commenting Ninja it's nearly all automated and the comments it makes are so highly targeted it looks like I'm writing them following a thorough read of that exact blog page.

I will post my results up here after a weeks testing
