Saturday, January 14, 2012

Embed Video Streams Into your Web Pages (Flowplayer)


Flowplayer is an Open Source (GPL 3) video player for the web. Use it to embed video streams into your web pages. Built for site owners, developers, hobbyists, businesses, and serious programmers.

Free and Open Source

Flowplayer is an open source project. Believe it or not. You can download the player and the source code for free from our download page.
And yes: we have revenue. Our business model is quite simple. The free version of the player comes with a Flowplayer trademark. It's nothing that will distract your audience, but if you want to use your own logo, you need a commercial license. That's it -- the business model of Flowplayer.

Build your player in minutes

Flowplayer makes a difference. Flowplayer Setup is our answer to expensive and complex video delivery systems. You can build your own customized player and put it on your site to stream your video from a global network.
A task that usually consumes copious amounts of time and money, or is simply impossible, can now be completed in minutes.
Setup introduction
Enter the setup

Today's design

The Flowplayer skin reflects an emerging web design philosophy: the user interface should not get in your way. The video is the star of the show, while the player simply supports the viewing experience.
Modern design calls for transparency options. You often need transparency for the background, but not for the controlbar elements. This is why we implemented RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) support for all individual controlbar elements.

Smooth as silk

We have put a lot of effort into optimizing the player to perform smoothly when in playback mode or when the user interacts with the controls. The timeline animates fluidly, and we have two different autohiding modes: ”fade” and ”slide”.
Flowplayer 3.2 supports two different keyboard layouts: YouTube-compatible arrow keys, and VIM-compatible arrow keys (HJKL) for the hardcode nerds. Spacebar toggles between play and pause, just like before.

Stream from anywhere

You can use the industry-standard streaming protocols RTMP or HTTP with most common web servers, including lighttpd, Apache, nginx or IIS; or stream your videos from well-known content delivery networks such as Akamai, Amazon Cloudfront, Highwinds, HDDN, and HDDN, among others.
No matter where your video is, Flowplayer plays it.

Extend with web standards

Flowplayer is built with Flash technology which ensures that 98% of all Internet users can see your videos. We didn't stop there. We have an unique JavaScript API that changes the way you communicate with Flash.
Playlists, controlbars, volume sliders; you name it. With the aid of the object-oriented API, you can extend the player with standard web technologies HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Flowplayer Plugins

Flowplayer Plugins

Every piece of the puzzle

You can give the player a look uniquely your own. In addition to that you can also choose your features. Extend your player with Flash plugins, JavaScript plugins or Streaming plugins. Here are a few examples.


In Flowplayer, even the controlbar is a plugin which makes the player architecture modular. By default, the player uses a Flash-based controlbar with a "modern" skin. There are other skins such as "air" and "tube". All skins can be tweaked. Take a look at the Setup and see for yourself.
You can also use HTML and CSS to build a controlbar! Use our JavaScript controlbar plugin.


In Flowplayer, you can build your playlists with HTML and CSS. Big or small. Vertical or horizontal. Gradients, rounded borders, images, tables, forms; anything. CSS is flexible. Your imagination is your limit. Take a look at the Playlist plugin.
Of course, you can also configure an "invisible" playlist so that the player plays those clips one by one. Playlists are JavaScript arrays which are dynamic and flexible as opposed to old school XML-based configurations.

Slow Motion

Ever seen slow motion video on the web? The wait is over: Flowplayer now does it. This requires some clever co-operation with the server. The latest Wowza server is the first to support this, while Flowplayer makes it possible on the client side.
There are new controlbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts for both slow motion and fast forward.

Viral Videos

The Viral Videos plugin allows you to spread your videos on the net like a friendly virus. Your videos can be embedded by other sites; and from there, they can be embedded by yet more sites.
You can also email the video or share it with the most popular social media services to take advantage of the exponential virus effect. The appearance and behaviour of this plugin are configurable.

Google Analytics

Want to keep track of your video playback? The Analytics feature not only does this for your site, but for the virally-embedded players as well. We are using the brand new Google Event tracking, now officially out of beta.
The plugin can track all player events, such as start, pause, resume, finish or fullscreen, as well as the video location and duration of the playback.

Bandwidth detection

Ideally you want the best available video experience with the least amount of network traffic. This is made possible by our intelligent bandwidth detection plugin. The bitrate adjusts dynamically based on the connection speed. Previously available for Adobe Flash Media server, the support has now been extended to Wowza.
The plugin will attempt to switch to a larger bandwidth when going to fullscreen mode, while taking care to not switch to a resolution too large to fit the screen. Stardandized loading of the bitrate information from an XML file is also supported.


flowplayer setup

The new, lightweight Setup is Flowplayer’s answer to expensive and complex video delivery systems. Your very own customized player is hosted on a global streaming network, and plays the video from your hard disk. A task that usually consumes copious amounts of time and money, or is simply impossible, can now be completed in minutes.

Your pimped player

You can tweak every aspect of the player, including its look, autohiding details, the logo, and the language. The beauty of the setup is that in the end all these assets are compiled into a single file for faster download.
Commercial license owners can have one or more product keys inside the player to make the player logo-free on a single or multiple domains. The key, as well as all the other configuration options, are hidden from the source code. It’s your very own, pimped video player!

Global streaming network

No matter where the user is located on the globe, the video will be served from the closest possible server using the latest streaming technologies – all automatically.
The streaming network is provided by a very special network, HDDN. Unlike other networks, it is not rented and has direct reach in 90+ countries. HDDN uses the latest streaming servers (Wowza 2.0 and lighttpd) and takes care of hosting for demanding sites, such as

Any format goes

Your original video file can be in any format and located on your local hard disk or on a web server. Setup takes care of the file conversion to a web-friendly format. The file is served globally, automatically.

This is just a beginning

After the initial setup, the player can be customized even further. Example setups for playlists, sharing, analytics and bandwidth detection are provided, and they all use your own player. Of course, you’re welcome to grab more ideas from our updated demo area.

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