Thursday, January 12, 2012

Enhanced Analytics Give PitchEngine Subscribers a Deeper Look

Enhanced Analytics Give PitchEngine Subscribers a Deeper Look

New PitchMetrics Beta Tool Launched this Week

New PitchMetrics give users a more in depth look!

Pro and Premium subscribers to PitchEngine will notice that additional metrics can be accessed when they’re on their dashboard. PitchMetics (beta) has been implemented giving users additional insights into how their content is shared, how often it’s viewed and where those views are coming from.

“PitchEngine takes a lot of feedback from our customers,” reports Chief Operations Officer Fabian Lobera. “Customers have been asking for additional metrics that help them measure and report on their influencers engagement with their pitches. Today, we’re excited to say that we can provide them that value.”

Added Pitch metrics include:

Average time on Pitch – Shows an average of minutes and seconds across all views that users engaged with your pitch.

Views by date – Allows users to track how views are trending over time.

Views by referrer – Identifies what URL drove the views of the pitch.

Indexed time/date – Identifies the time and date that major search engines (Google, Bing, MSN, and Yahoo) crawled to index the pitch.

Links - Identifies the number of times a share or related link was clicked through.

Additional analytics are currently in the works, and will be added as completed. PitchMetrics have been compiling views and results for the past couple weeks. Older pitches may not have historical data included in the results.

Lobera added, “We’d love to hear the feedback on these metrics. Our users have played a significant part in steering our development efforts. As we add tools, we only see them becoming a more important part of how we re-write how businesses market online.”

Update: Importing Draft Pitches, Old Analytics
Answering your questions as the arise

October 24, 2011
Print Pitch

The new PitchEngine is revving up and users are jumping in. Naturally, there are a few changes you'll notice and even a few things we're still bring over from your older accounts.

Here's the latest:

Draft pitches from the old system need to be imported manually by our team. Please shoot us a note via the feedback tab and let us know your user email address, brand name and the picth title. Rest assured, no data was lost, it may just live in a different place right now.
The view tracker for pitches (counter) hasn't been imported as we are bringing up a new analytics and tracking package. If you need to retrieve the view count, please let us know via the feedback tab.

We're avialable to help you out at 307-855-4011 and also by email

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